WILMA – A1053977
Gone 10-10-2015 Manhattan
***GONE 10/10/15***WILLLLMA!!! YABBA DABBA DOO—BLACK AND WHITE CUTIE IS WAITING FOR YOU! Wilma is a 15 month old adorable kitty who is positively petrified at the shelter and who can blame her? This betrayed sweetheart lived with her former purrson since she was a month old as an indoor only kitty. Then sadly, her purrson decided to move to non-pet friendly housing and decided to dump her at the kill happy shelter. She was described as energetic, playful and loving. She even enjoys being picked up and held. But Wilma is a purrfect example of a loving housepet who turns into a totally different kitty in the stressful shelter setting. Wilma was very nervous and upset during intake. No wonder—the only purrson she ever knew and loved was dumping her like garbage. Wilma is purrfectly healthy and the ACC never gave her a proper behavior eval. Instead, they fast-tracked her to the at-risk list. If we don’t do everything we can to move her to safe haven tonight, she will become yet another sad ACC stat when tomorrow afternoon rolls around. We strongly believe that wonderful Wilma will return to her normally sweet, loving and playful self once she feels safe and sound. Please offer her a new “leash” on life by contacting a NH rescue and agreeing to adopt or foster Wilma. She only has tonight. We are her only hope. Don’t let her down!!!
Manhattan Center
My name is WILMA. My Animal ID # is A1053977.
I am a female white and gray domestic sh mix. The shelter thinks I am about 1 YEAR 3 MONTHS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 10/06/2015 from NY 10462, owner surrender reason stated was MOVE2PRIVA.
10/06/2015 Exam Type INITIAL – Medical Rating is 1 – NORMAL , Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 9.0 LBS.
BARH scan negative young female cat very nervous, hissing, growling, swating, striking 0.9cc pyrantel po activyl topically NOSF
10/06/15 20:13 Basic Information: Wilma is 1 year and 3 months; her previous owner had her for a year and 2 months and found her as a stray. Her previous owner had to surrender her because she was moving into a home that didn’t allow pets. Wilma has never been to a vet but she no known injuries or health problems. The three things her previous owner liked most about her were; she’s very energetic, playful and loving. Social Life and Personality: Wilma has never been around children, dogs or other cats. She is litter box trained and was kept indoors only. Her activity level is high and she can be described as playful, shy, affectionate, talkative when hungry or when her previous owner came home but quiet otherwise, and independent. Behavior Issues: Wilma has never bitten a person or another animal. When given a bath she is calm and unbothered. She isn’t bothered if her nails are trimmed, if her coat brushed she growls. She enjoys being picked up her held. She isn’t bothered if she is placed in a carrier or disturbed while sleeping. For a new family to know: Wilma used clumping cat litter in an uncovered litter box. She liked to play with wand toys and string. She had a scratching post made of carpet material. When her previous owner was home Wilma would tend to be in the same room. When she played with her previous owner she was exuberant. She is relaxed in car rides and ate dry Purina cat food. At night she slept in her owners’ bed. Behavior during intake: Wilma had a tense body and dilated pupils, her body was low. When I tried to take her out of her carrier for pictures she began to hiss, growl, swat with claws and flick her tail. I was unable to collar her.
No Web Memo
Wilma’s former owner stated she has never been around children, dogs or other cats. Her activity level is high and she can be described as playful, shy, affectionate, talkative when hungry or when her previous owner came home but quiet otherwise, and independent. Reaction to assessor: Wilma looks tense in her cage when approached by the assessor. Reaction to door opening: Wilma charges the cage door, alert with pupils fully dilated. Reaction to touch: Wilma does not allow the stroke, hisses and swats at the assessor’s hand. Placement determination: NH ONLY Wilma is displaying behaviors that preclude placement in the adoptions room. She is stressed in the shelter environment and does not currently tolerate petting. The behavior department feels that placement with a New Hope Partner is the best option at this time.
No Group Behavior Summary
Medical rating was 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating was NONE
BARH scan negative young female cat very nervous, hissing, growling, swating, striking 0.9cc pyrantel po activyl topically NOSF
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: http://
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]
Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
*We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please read here:http://
For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see:http://
You can call for automated instructions. (212) 788-4000
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