NATASHA – A1039897
7-16-2015 Manhattan Rescue: HVARS Please honor your pledges:
***SAFE 07/16/15*** SWEET BEGINNER NATASHA WAS DUMPED FOR ALLERGIES AFTER HAVING CAT FOR A WEEK – NOW THE ACC WILL KILL HER AT NOON FRIDAY!! NATASHA was brought into the kill happy shelter due to allergies. Her owner received her from her sister about a week ago. It is sad that she didn’t find her a home rather than just dumping this gorgeous Russian Blue kitty. NATASHA was given a BEGINNER rating and was purring, head butting and soliciting attention at her behavior assessment. NATASHA is only 7 years young and is already spayed. Sadly she caught the shelter cold in record time and they will cure that with a lethal injection on Friday. DON’T LET NATASHA BECOME ANOTHER ACC STATISTIC – CONTACT A RESCUE NOW TO SAVE HER!!!
Manhattan Center
My name is NATASHA. My Animal ID # is A1039897. – P
I am a spayed female gray russian blue. The shelter thinks I am about 7 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 06/12/2015 from NY 10009, owner surrender reason stated was ALLERGIES.
07/02/2015 Exam Type RE-EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is BEGINNER, Weight 12.1 LBS.
7/2 last day of meds still congested try 7 day course of doxy bahr two days left of tx no sneezing sounds congestive we are going to wait until last day of tx nosf
06/12/15 21:53 Basic Information Natasha was brought in as an Owner Surrender due to client having allergies. Client says she received her from her sister after having health difficulties, and has had her for a week. When asked what she likes most about Natasha owner chose how beautiful she is. Personality & Behavior Natasha is described as friendly with a medium activity level. Owner says while in her care she hasn’t been around any other animals or children. Owner says Natasha is litter-box trained, and has been kept indoors only. Owner says she hasn’t had any issues with Natasha biting anyone or another animal. Owner says Natasha is unbothered with being placed in a carrier or disturbed while sleeping. For a New Family to Know Owner says Natasha uses the clumping form of litter, with a hooded litter-box. Owner says Natasha has been scratching her couch, but doesnt have a scratching post. Owner says Natasha rarely seeks attention when home, and gets nervous during car rides. Owner says Natasha eats Meow Mix, both wet and dry food. Natasha has a cat bed that she usually sleeps in at home. Behavior during Intake Natasha was a bit nervous, but still calm during intake. Her pupils were dilated and body was stiff. Although nervous Natasha still allowed handling and showed no signs of aggression during
No Web Memo
Reaction to assessor: Natasha was calm, relaxed, and friendly upon approach. When softly spoken to, she comes to the front and pushes her head onto the cage door. Reaction to cage door opening: Natasha remains soft and relaxed. Reaction to touch: Natasha head-butts the assessor’s hand, remains in place for petting, and begins to purr and knead. Reaction to being picked up: Natasha remains calm and allows handling. As per previous owner, Natasha is described as friendly with a medium activity level. She hasn’t been around any other animals or children while in her care. Natasha is litter-box trained, and has been kept indoors only. She hasn’t had any issues with Natasha biting anyone or another animal and is unbothered with being placed in a carrier or disturbed while sleeping. Behavior Determination: Beginner Natasha interacts with the Assessor, solicits attention, is easy to handle and tolerates all petting. No known history of behavioral problems. This cat can go to a beginner home.
No Group Behavior Summary
Medical rating was 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating was NONE
Eyes are clear. No discharge or cloudiness Ears are clean Nose= No discharge Some back teeth are missing while others look to be diseased Will put on vet check Scan negative for a microchip Altered female=having spay tattoo Possibly overweight but still very mobile. No V/S/C/D Very friendly during exam and allowed handling BAR NOSF
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , behavior rating BEGINNER
7/2 last day of meds still congested try 7 day course of doxy bahr two days left of tx no sneezing sounds congestive we are going to wait until last day of tx nosf
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If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]
Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
*We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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