MILO – A1032354
6-12-2015 Manhattan Rescue: ***SAFE*** Pulled by HVARS- Donation website: Please honor your pledges:
**SAFE 06/12/15** MILO is a loving, neutered family pet who lived with 3 large breed dogs and is a TOTAL ROCK STAR, but he is so emotionally distraught at having been left at the shelter (on account of “allergies”), he needs a New Hope rescue to save his life, tonight. Check out his heart wrenching intake notes! “During the intake, he was nervous at first; he was reluctant to come out of his carrier and he buried his head into my arm and was very stiff. When I would try to move my arm away, he would move closer and hold on with his paws without using his nails. He eventually began to purr and his eyes became softer. He allowed petting and handling and he showed no signs of aggression.” Also, “A volunteer writes: Milo has lived with kids, dogs, and cats. He is a friendly fellow who enjoys interaction and affection. With all that going for him, is he the one for you?” That New Hope rating is exclusively the result of stress and fear–please work with a New Hope rescue group to foster or adopt MILO, tonight!
Manhattan Center
My name is MILO. My Animal ID # is A1032354.
I am a neutered male gray tabby and white domestic sh mix. The shelter thinks I am about 5 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 04/06/2015 from NY 10034, owner surrender reason stated was ALLERGIES.
04/06/2015 Exam Type RE-EXAM – Medical Rating is 1 – NORMAL , Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 12.5 LBS.
5/8H/L wnl No clinical signs of URI Healthy for transport to SI shelter ———————————————————— 4/6 scan negative mild dental tartar ear mite negative flea comb negative- treated with activyl neutered relaxed during exam
04/06/15 19:02 NAME Milo REASON FOR SURRENDER Due to allergies, owner could no longer keep Milo RELATIONSHIP Milo’s previous owner received him from a friend about 4.5 years ago. He is currently about 5 years old. He scanned negative for a microchip. PEOPLE He lived in a home with adults. He has interacted with children ages 0 to 8 years and he is usually relaxed or affectionate around them. When he plays with them, he can be gentle, exuberant, or somewhat rough, and owner stated it usually depends on how the child is playing. He has never bitten anyone. He has scratched before while playing, but not within the last 10 days. OTHER ANIMALS He has lived with 2 female cats and he was usually relaxed or affectionate around them. When he played with them, he was gentle, exuberant, or somewhat rough. He has also lived with 3 dogs, all larger breeds, and he was usually relaxed or affectionate around them. He has only scratched while playing, but not within the last 10 days. PERSONALITY/HABITS He is a moderately active mostly indoor cat who has been described as playful, friendly, affectionate, confident, sometimes talkative, but usually quiet, mellow, and independent. Owner also stated that he likes to cuddle and lick. He is scared during baths and usually struggles to get away, and he is terrified of the blow dryer. He sometimes isn’t bothered during nail trimmings. He loves being brushed and being held. He doesn’t like being placed in the carrier and usually struggles to get away. He usually goes back to sleep if disturbed while sleeping. He usually meows during car rides. He likes to follow his owner around or be in a favorite spot when his owner is home. He eats Friskies dry and wet food. He has used a covered and a hooded litter box with clumping litter. He likes catnip and playing with the laser pointer. He sometimes scratches on the furniture, but it should be noted that he does not have a scratching post. He usually sleeps on his owner’s bed. TRAINING He is litter box trained, and he has not had any accidents. BEHAVIOR DURING INTAKE During the intake, he was nervous at first; he was reluctant to come out of his carrier and he buried his head into my arm and was very stiff. When I would try to move my arm away, he would move closer and hold on with his paws without using his nails. He eventually began to purr and his eyes became softer. He allowed petting and handling and he showed no signs of aggression.
04/23/2015 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: Milo has lived with kids, dogs, and cats. He is a friendly fellow who enjoys interaction and affection. With all that going for him, is he the one for you?
Reaction to assessor: Milo looks neutral in his cage when approached by the assessor. Reaction to door opening: Milo remains lying down on his cage bedding, alert with soft eyes. Reaction to touch: Milo avoids contact, hisses with ears back and swats at the assessor’s hand. Placement determination: NH ONLY Milo is displaying behaviors that preclude placement in the adoptions room. He is stressed in the shelter environment and does not currently tolerate petting. The behavior department feels that placement with a New Hope Partner is the best option at this time.
No Group Behavior Summary
Medical rating was 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating was NONE
scan negative mild dental tartar ear mite negative flea comb negative- treated with activyl neutered relaxed during exam
Medical rating 1 – NORMAL ,
5/8H/L wnl No clinical signs of URI Healthy for transport to SI shelter ———————————————————— 4/6 scan negative mild dental tartar ear mite negative flea comb negative- treated with activyl neutered relaxed during exam
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:…/
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]
Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
*We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please read here:…/
For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see:…/
You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
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