MIGAS – A1046230
8-10-2015 Manhattan Rescue: Staten Island Hope Please honor your pledges: http://www.statenislandhoperescue.org/
***SAFE 08/10/15***MARVELOUS MIGAS MINI TABBY WITH GREAT BEHAVIOR RATING NEEDS FUREVER FRIEND! Sad sigh! Who could believe that a positively purrfect little angel like 9 week old Migas could end up on at-risk list? This fab little fella came in with his siblings (whereabouts unknown) about a week ago and he is a little gem—friendly, affectionate and super easy to handle. Not sure who thinks it’s a good idea to dump a bunch of healthy kittens at the germ-ridden, kill-happy shelter. Now that this little angel has caught the curable kitty cold, he finds his precious life at risk. If you find this outrageous and ready to be THE SOMEBODY in “somebody do something,” please reserve marvelous MIgas online tonight or contact a NH rescue for help with transportation. Please remember that fostering saves lives so let a rescue know if you can offer this little munchkin temporary safe haven (if you live within an hour of NYC). Migas deserves a chance to grow up in a loving home and a chance to grow up—period. Please help write a happy ending to this terrific little tabby’s sad tale. Make the call for him NOW!
Manhattan Center
My name is MIGAS. My Animal ID # is A1046230.
I am a male gray tabby domestic sh. The shelter thinks I am about 9 WEEKS old.
I came in the shelter as a STRAY on 08/01/2015 from NY 10454, owner surrender reason stated was STRAY. I came in with Group/Litter #K15-025337.
08/08/2015 Exam Type CAGE EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is AVERAGE, Weight 2.0 LBS.
08/08/15 15:23 S/O: cage exam during rounds. ocular and nasal discharge and sneezing. A: mild URI P: stay in nursery start doxy 0.2 ml PO SID x 10 days
08/02/15 12:51 Basic Information Migas, along with siblings and Queen were brougt in as strays. Client says the cats were friendly and allowed her to touch and handle them with no problem. Behavior During Intake Migas was a bit afraid, but still calm during intake. She allowed staff to remove her from client’s carrier to collar and place her inside of another one. Migas allowed all handling and showed no signs of aggression during intake.
No Web Memo
Reaction to assessor: Migas was resting upon approach. He does not answer when softly spoken to; he is too sleepy. Reaction to cage door opening: Migas remains soft and relaxed. Reaction to touch: Migas opens his eyes and leans on the assessor’s hand. He starts to purr after a little while. Reaction to being picked up: Migas remains soft and allows handling. Behavior Determination: Average Migas interacts with the observer, appreciates attention, is easy to handle and tolerates all petting. This cat is showing behavior appropriate for new or experienced cat parents.
No Group Behavior Summary
Medical rating was 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating was NONE
Negative MC Intact male BARH Negative fleas/earmites (activyl) Panacur and ponazuril given NOSF Came with Queen A1046229 and two litter mates, not nursing
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , behavior rating AVERAGE
08/08/15 15:23 S/O: cage exam during rounds. ocular and nasal discharge and sneezing. A: mild URI P: stay in nursery start doxy 0.2 ml PO SID x 10 days
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: http://information.urgentpodr.org/adoption-info-and-list-of-rescues/
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]
Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
*We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please read here:http://information.urgentpodr.org/acc-placement-status-descriptions/
For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see:http://information.urgentpodr.org/frequently-asked-questions/
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View all entries in: Safe Cats 2015-08