GOLDIE – A1048203
Safe 10-21-2015 Manhattan
SAFE 10/21/15 RETURN——- A volunteer writes: Goldie is a supersized, very curious and good natured boy with handsome orange spots on his gorgeous white coat. Amble over to his kennel, and he’ll happily greet you with sweet sniffs and then gentle head butts. So clean his feet look like they’ve never touched the ground, Goldie adores humans but isn’t high-maintenance. He’s the kind of cat who is happy just sitting near his people, curling up on the couch or bed, feeling like he’s part of the household. Make his dream of finding a loving forever family come true by adopting him today.
Manhattan Center
GOLDIE – A1048203
Intake condition EXAM REQ Intake Date 10/16/2015, From NY 10025, DueOut Date 10/16/2015,
Medical Behavior Evaluation BLUE
Medical Summary
Return from adoption Scan positive – 981020015131777 QARH Other PE- wnl nosf
Weight 14.2
SAFE: 10/8/15
GOLDIE – A1048203
Intake condition EXAM REQ Intake Date 08/17/2015, From NY 10455, DueOut Date 08/17/2015,
Medical Behavior Evaluation BLUE
Medical Summary scan negative ear mite negative flea comb negative- treated with activyl male intact matts shaved from back slight tense, nervous during exam
Weight 15.0
Initial Exam
scan negative
ear mite negative
flea comb negative- treated with activyl
male intact
matts shaved from back
slight tense, nervous during exam
Cage Exam:
09/08/15 16:46
continue erythromycin
add ofloxacin OU BID x 10 days
09/17/15 17:19
patient is scratching at eye and OD still has moderate inflammation
A: conjunctivitis nonresolving r/o viral in origin versus self trauma
P: place E-collar and continue medication for another week
Around strangers Goldie is friendly. He hasn’t lived/spent time with children or cats. Goldie lived with a male pitbull and they got along well, Goldie was the “aggressor” in a playful way and they would play fight. Goldie is relaxed/affectionate & respectful with adults and plays gentle, at time exuberantly with adults especially the Pitbull. Also, described as friendly, affectionate, playful, confident and talkative when he’s hungry (which is all the time according to the owner).
Reaction to assessor: Goldie looks neutral in her cage when approached by the assessor.
Reaction to door opening: Goldie remains lying down on his cage bedding, alert with eyes wide open.
Reaction to touch: Goldie accepts the stroke, head-butts the assessor’s hand and appreciates petting on the head and body.
Reaction to Being Picked up: He calmly jumps back into his cage.
Placement determination: Average
Goldie interacts with the observer, appreciates attention, is easy to handle and tolerates all petting.
This cat is showing behavior appropriate for new or experienced cat parents.
08/17/15 16:09
Basic Info:
Goldie A1048203 is a 4yr old male white & orange tabby DSH feline who was given to the owner from a family member a year ago and is being surrendered due to the owner no longer having time for him. Goldie hasn’t been to a veterinarian and currently has no known health issues/injuries.
Around strangers Goldie is friendly. He hasn’t lived/spent time with children or cats. Goldie lived with a male pitbull and they got along well, Goldie was the “aggressor” in a playful way and they would play fight. Goldie is relaxed/affectionate & respectful with adults and plays gentle, at time exuberantly with adults especially the Pitbull. Goldie has never bitten/scratched a person or animal.
Goldie had no scratching post in the home which resulted in him scratching at the furniture. During the car ride he meows/cries initially then quiets down. Goldie hasn’t been given a bath or had his nails trimmed. He enjoys being picked up/held. Goldie didn’t mind being placed into the carrier. He hasn’t been disturbed while sleeping/resting.
For a New Family to Know:
Goldie is described as friendly, affectionate, playful, confident and talkative when he’s hungry (which is all the time according to the owner). His activity level ranges from low-high. The owner likes how big & handsome he is. Goldie’s favorite activity is eating. When the owner is home Goldie follows them around. He didn’t have any toys to play with. Goldie is an indoor cat who sleeps on the sofa. Goldie eats dry Friskies food 4x a day. He eats Temptations treats. He has a hooded litter box with clumping litter within.
Intake Behavior:
Goldie allowed all handling. He allowed to be scanned (-), collared and taken pictures of. He attempted to flee a few times but we were able to capture a shot of him. Goldie didn’t resist being placed into a carrier once transport arrived.
A volunteer writes: Goldie is a supersized, very curious and good natured boy with handsome orange spots on his gorgeous white coat. Amble over to his kennel, and he’ll happily greet you with sweet sniffs and then gentle head butts. So clean his feet look like they’ve never touched the ground, Goldie adores humans but isn’t high-maintenance. He’s the kind of cat who is happy just sitting near his people, curling up on the couch or bed, feeling like he’s part of the household. Make his dream of finding a loving forever family come true by adopting him today.
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]
Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
*We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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View all entries in: Safe Cats 2015-10