CHIP- A1042705
Safe 9-30-2015 Brooklyn
SAFE 9/30/15
Brooklyn Center
CHIP- A1042705
Intake condition INJ MINOR Intake Date 07/03/2015, From NY 11213, DueOut Date 07/07/2015,
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary Scan negative intact male Approx. 3-4 years old mm = pink, moist hydration = sl. prolonged skin tenting EENT = clear OU, clean AU, nnd, mild dental tartar Patient is BAR, large opened wounds present over the medial and lateral aspect of the right antebrachium and caudal aspect of the elbow, with muscle exposure and scar tissue. Just on the proximal and lateral aspect of the leg, there is a smaller (approx. 2 cm in diameter) wound that also exposes underlying muscle. The overlying skin appears necrotic and the wounds are oozing purulent discharge. On the left front limb, there are two opened wounds over the plantar surface of the carpus. (approx. 1 cm in diameter. H/L = nma, nsr, clear lung fields bilaterally Abdomen = snp, nmp GU = intact male, large kidneys palpable LN = wnl CNS = appropriate The patient was given Buprenex – 0.3 mL SQ once In order to further examine the wounds, 0.1 mL Telazol was given IM and the patient was maintained on isoflurane. The wounds were clipped and cleaned with sterile saline and scrubbed with nolvasan. In order to keep the wounds clean, the limbs were bandaged. The patient recovered from anesthesia uneventfully. Due to the severe extent of the wounds and lack of healthy tissue for closure, it is recommended that the RFL be amputated. The wounds on the LFL can be managed with bandage changes The patient was given 5 mg/kg Baytril SQ once at 8:00PM and 0.5 mL Convenia SQ A CBC/Chem was taken and showed: monocytosis (3.88 K/uL; 0.05 – 0.67) and a neutropenia (0.19 K/uL; 1.48 – 10.29) with left shift eosinopenia (0.03 K/uL; 0.17 – 1.57) decreased Alk Phos (<10 U/L) Moderate to severe Azotemia (BUN = 51 mg/dL; Creatinine unreadable) mild hypocalcemia (7.6 mg/dL) 7.8-11.3 hyperphosphatemia (9.8 mg/dL) 3.1 – 7.5 hyperbilirubinemia (1.2 mg/dL) 0 – 0.9 hyponatremia (143 mmol/L) 150 – 165 hypochloremia (109 mmol/L) 112 – 129 Recommend IVF, daily bandage changes, continued pain medication and antibiotics, and any appropriate anesthesia needed for bandage changing.
Weight 11.2
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